Our definition of an artclone is meant to explain the difference between the official replica of a masterpiece and a 3D-printed replica – a copy that resembles the original, but is simply a “knock-off.”

But there’s more to the artclone than meets the eye.

The young face (above) is, in all probability, an 11th century earthenware sculpture from West Africa.

The artclone is a physical “extension” of an original, historical object – saved, via it’s unique scanned digitalDNA™, for eternity in the secure ARTvault™.

The artficial ARTvault™ is a secure repository of the world’s masterpieces – with open entry for public and private collections. The unique digitalDNA™ of each masterpiece is preserved on a secure, encrypted, patented digital platform. 3-D prints are made via our digital-right-management platform which is the world’s first patented 3-D printing platform (think Spotify for 3-D objects!).

The artclones are available for printing anywhere in the world, and beyond – Elon Musk could print them on Mars!

Artficial has its own high-end artclone production facilities in Italy – and we deliver the finished artclones across the world via the artficial website.

Barbara Dal Corso works at the intersection of art and technology. She is the co-founder of artficial, the maker of the world’s first officially-licensed artclones.